​​Glory International Center and Christian Love Fellowship Church, Inc. have at their center Jesus the Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach - Hebrew) as Lord, Savior and God! STATEMENT OF FAITH:

1. WE BELIEVE THERE IS ONE GOD – “The Lord our God is one Lord [the only Lord],” Deuteronomy 6:4 AMP. God exists eternally in three different persons and manifestations. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are equal and in perfect union and relationship, with God the Father greater in authority John 10:29. Genesis 1:26 AMP confirms He refers to Himself as “Us” meaning Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus was and is the Son of God.  John 1:1 AMP says “In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.” God the Father loved us so much that He sent His Son to redeem us and to reveal the Father’s love for us, John 3:16; I John 4:16. The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children Romans 8:15-16. 

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 2. WE BELIEVE THE BIBLE AND ALL SCRIPTURES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE NEW TESTAMENT ARE THE INFALLIBLE AND INSPIRED WORD OF GOD – We believe the Word of God is Jesus/Yeshua, John 1: 14 AMP. It is True and all of the promises of God in Him are yes and in Him amen to the glory of God through us, 2 Corinthians 1:20; John 17:17. The whole Bible belongs to all Believers. The Old Testament is just as much a revelation of the Father’s heart as the New Testament. Many things that were concealed in the Old Testament are revealed in the New Testament because all scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for us today, 2 Timothy 3:16. We have the revelation that Jesus through Holy Spirit was the Word of God incarnated in the seed of a virgin woman, John 1:14; Isaiah 7:14; Galatians 4:4-5. He was fully man and fully God. He lived a sinless life in the flesh while He dwelt among us, Hebrews 4:14-15; John 1:14. He chose to give His life to redeem all of mankind for eternity when He laid His life down and rose on the third day by the power of His Spirit, John 10:17; Romans 8:11. ​(Click here for more information)

3. WE BELIEVE IN HOLY SPIRIT - Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Godhead and the very Spirit of God, Who provides spiritual  power for godly service and everyday living. He points us to the fullness of Jesus the Messiah. When Jesus ascended the Holy Spirit was sent to earth as a Promise from Father God John 14:15-17. It is He who equips us to fulfill our purpose on the earth John 14:26. The Holy Spirit is the restraining force against evil in the earth 2 Thessalonians 2:7. Once we receive salvation and yield to Holy Spirit in us allowing Him to lead, we can take the victory against evil. Going a step further, we receive the Infilling of Holy Spirit as the power of God in us to achieve victorious living in Jesus Christ our Savior/Messiah/The Anointed One. The Infilling of  Holy Spirit is also known as the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” with the evidence of speaking in your supernatural prayer language aka tongues Acts 2:1-8; Romans 8:9-11; I Corinthians 14:2; 2:4, 5. With the Infilling of Holy Spirit and the Word of God you will be built up and enabled to function with power, authority and the Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23. (Click here for more information, See Chapter Two)

4. WE BELIEVE IN SALVATION – Salvation is in the belief that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord and Savior, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved according to Romans 10:9, 10; John 3:17.  Jesus is the Greek translation of His Hebrew name Yeshua which means Salvation or God Saves. The Old Testament speaks of Jesus in many scriptures, in one instance a reference is made to Salvation Psalm 62:2 and Isaiah 12:2.  
(To read "What is Salvation" click here)

5. WE BELIEVE IN WATER BAPTISM – Baptism is by immersion in water “baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19. Jesus was baptized by immersion at the beginning of His early ministry Matthew 3:13-17. It signifies your belief and confession of faith and is necessary as an act of obedience Matthew 28:19-20. Public baptism is saying yes to the Lord and it is identifying with His death, burial and resurrection for the remission of our sin in his death and being renewed in life with His resurrection. No one should be denied the right to be baptized Acts 10:46-48.

6. WE BELIEVE IN THE ONE NEW MAN – It aligns Jew and Gentile and reconciles them  back to Father God through Salvation in the Messiah, so as to create in Himself, One New Man, one new quality of humanity out of the two, bringing about covenant restoration and offering eternal life (Ephesians 2:14-22; Romans 10: 9,10). God came to His covenant people first to redeem and restore them back to Himself and because He came to the Jew first He always had in mind to graft in non-Jews making salvation available to all who believe, Romans 1:16; Romans 11:17, 19. The Gentiles/the nations (those without a covenant with God) who become Believers/Christians are grafted into the root of Abraham which allows them to share in the Abrahamic Covenant that gives great blessings to all families that are Abraham’s descendants, Genesis 12:1-3; Deuteronomy 28:1-14.  In addition to receiving the Abrahamic Covenant all Believers, because of the sacrifice of Jesus receive eternal life and have become the One New Man. God “has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility…  "Ephesians 2:14 NIV. Covenant restoration will include the people of God praying for each other; standing with each other and worshipping the same God as He intended from the beginning (Click here for more information).

7. WE BELIEVE IN THE FIVEFOLD MINISTRY - The fivefold ministry gifts consist of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers whose assignment is to train and equip the Believers for ministry work, Ephesians 4:11-12. Each office functions in spiritual gifts given by Holy Spirit as God wills, I Corinthians 12:4-11 and Romans 12:6-15.  Holy Spirit can and does move in and through any Believer with these same gifts as God wills, however, when a Believer is set in a fivefold ministry office the gifts will operate more frequently and usually as a part of their assignment. In addition, God gave a specific order and alignment for spiritual gifts to manifest as seen in I Corinthians 12:28 beginning first with apostles, second prophets, third teachers, and so forth. 

8. WE BELIEVE IN SPIRITUAL GIFTS – Spiritual gifts are given by Holy Spirit to accomplish the Father’s will, His plans and purposes, through Believers on the earth to benefit all humanity. We are to pursue His love and earnestly desire and cultivate spiritual gifts as given in the Bible, I Corinthians 14:1; I Corinthians 12:7-11, 28; Roman 12:6-15. Jesus/ Yeshua gave spiritual gifts to enable men and women, boys and girls regardless of race, culture, former sin, status or station in life to operate in extraordinary powers in supernatural dimensions.

9. WE BELIEVE THE OFFICE OF THE APOSTLE IS FOR TODAY - the Lord has given the apostles and prophets as the foundation of the church with Jesus Christ Himself as the Chief Cornerstone, Ephesians 2:20. The Apostles are equipped and graced by God to go first in order to advance the Kingdom of God. They go into new territory where the Kingdom has either become stagnant or is non-existent in order to pioneer; to plant; to establish a model or prototype; to breakthrough; to open the way; to raise up; to release new truth and to bring fresh revelation.  

10. WE BELIEVE THE OFFICE OF THE PROPHET IS FOR TODAY - God does speak today! He speaks to His people in general, John 10:27. We strongly believe that God speaks to His Prophets today. In turn the prophet speaks the heart and mind of God through prophecy. When he or she prophesies they speak to people for their upbuilding, strengthening, constructive spiritual progress, encouragement and consolation/comfort, I Corinthians 14:3. The Bible says in 2 Chronicles 20:20 “…Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established; believe and remain steadfast to His prophets and you shall prosper”/succeed. “…For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit,” 2 Peter 1:20, 21 NIV. When God speaks we must hear and respond to the voice of the one speaking.  (Click here for more information)

11. WE BELIEVE THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD WILL INFLUENCE AND HAVE DOMINION OVER THE MARKETPLACE AND ALL SEVEN MOUNTAINS - God is training and equipping Believers to do the work of ministry in the marketplace in record numbers. There is a large part of society that is outside of the church (the entire Body of Christ) structure that God has prepared and includes in His plan of fulfilling His redemptive purposes in the earth. God is not limited to the four walls of a church or any religious structure. Therefore, as God has given some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers that primarily operate from His church these same offices are also raised up in the marketplace and translate in other spheres of influence as CEO’s, visionaries, motivators, managers and teachers/coaches. Within these fivefold offices in the marketplace and in the church are those who are anointed and sent into the seven main mountains that shape society (marriage and family; faith/religion; education; government/law; media/news; arts and entertainment; and business/economics). Believers are to influence and dominate in the marketplace as well as the seven mountains to make a difference in how society functions, governs and rules during these end-times.

12. WE BELIEVE IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE – Spiritual Warfare is used to accomplish God’s purposes on earth. It will not be without opposition. As we are led by the Spirit, using the Word of God we will be strengthened and empowered to withstand spiritual attacks. We recognize that we are in a spiritual war and must be trained and equipped to stand against the enemies of God’s Kingdom. We must put on the Whole Armor of God, use spiritual warfare weapons and execute spiritual warfare strategies and tactics realizing that we fight from a position of victory. We must go into all the world making disciples of all people, tribes and nations using the authority given to us in the name of Jesus/Yeshua Luke 10:19; Ephesians 6:10-18; Acts 4:29; John 14:6; Ephesians 1:20-22; 2:6; Matthew 28:18-19; and Colossians 1:19-20.

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13. WE BELIEVE IN END-TIME BIBLICAL PROPHECY- This includes the Tri-Tribulation Raptures of the Church and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The rapture of the church is the catching up of the church during the Period known as The Tribulation, Daniel 9:27. The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ will occur after The Tribulation Period, I Thess 4:14-17; Daniel 12:1-2;  I Corinthians 15:51-53; Revelation Chapters 6 through 19.  (Click here for more information)

14. WE BELIEVE THAT MEN AND WOMEN ARE JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST – Men and Women are equally called and enabled to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and able to do all the works in the Kingdom of God, Romans 8:16-17; Matthew 28:1-8. Apostle Paul who wrote a third of the New Testament Bible in Romans 16:1-6 mentions women he worked with in ministry including Priscilla who along with her husband Aquila were Paul’s mentors for many years. We further declare that the unnamed woman in I Timothy 2:11-15a was not to ban all women from public ministry anymore than what Paul had to do to two men in I Tim.1:19-20.  Paul didn’t eliminate all men from roles of leadership because these two men misused their teaching gifts. Therefore regarding women in ministry Apostle Paul’s message in I Timothy 3:1-13 especially verse eleven which says, “[The] women likewise must be worthy of respect and serious, not gossipers, but temperate and self-controlled, [thoroughly] trustworthy in all things;” Apostle Paul was stating the qualities necessary for godly women to be released into public ministry. Paul dealt with men and women evenhandedly Acts 2:17-18; Ephesians 3:14-21. 

15. WE BELIEVE IN GIVING TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD - Giving is a key principle of worship and prosperity in the Kingdom of God. Worship ushers in the Glory (the Presence) of God. When the Shekhinah Glory of God is present signs, wonders and miracles manifest. Because of our belief in Jesus’ resurrection, we are called to worship. Giving is for today and it comprises Firstfruits; Tithes and Offerings; also giving offerings during the Biblical Feasts. God said three times in the year you shall keep a feast to Me, Passover/Pesach; Pentecost/Shavuot; and Tabernacles/Sukkot Exodus 23:14-16 and Leviticus 23. We are reminded that God gave the example when He through His love for us gave His best, His only and beloved Son. Firstfruits is given at the beginning of each new Biblical month Numbers 28:11-15; Tithes and Offerings is mandated in Malachi 3:8-10; Matthew 6:33, Leviticus 27:30. (Click here for more information on giving during God's feasts and how it is accomplished today);   (Click here for information regarding God's way and His economy and being prosperous and whole in every area of your life)

16. WE BELIEVE THAT SATAN AND HELL EXISTS – Hell is a real place according to the Bible. It is a place of suffering and a place of permanent separation from God for those who die without accepting Jesus as their Savior and Lord. John 8:44; Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:12-15; Hebrews 9:27-28; Matthew 10:28; John 3:16-18; John 10:10.

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Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"