First of all, 2017 was a year of preparation and transitioning. Many are being positioned to receive in 2018. Old structures and systems of doing things may have been changed or totally removed. Doors were closed  in certain areas. A way has been made for the new in 2018. This new season will be a season of harvest, greater increase and reward.

Some of the Key Words linked with the Biblical Year of 5778 and the Gregorian Year of 2018 are:

This is the Year of Manifestation 


Year of the Door 

Year of the Unexpected

Year of the Double Door (double blessing and double harvest for what has been sown)

Year of the Gate

​Year of restful increase

A Year of Family, Fruitfulness and the Fear of the Lord

A Year of major breakthroughs; medical breakthroughs as well

The Church is going to start living again, ​a grace to grace anointing

Continuing with the year of the Sword that began in 5777/2017

The number 8 means new beginnings, a fresh start,opportunities and victory. This year the number 8 also means life!  It is a living number, this year the number 8 is alive!

This will be a year of pioneering

This will be a year of breaking into new anointings and new provisions

Tell all of My apostles that this is a year that they must transcend beyond their last place of manifestation. I am calling apostles into a new level and into a new realm of manifestation. (Apostle Venner Alston)

This year 2018 Apostles will be the tip of the sword! Fully seeing signs and wonders where it becomes the norm for us. That place of function is where we are going. (Apostle Venner Alston)

This will be the year that new apostolic and prophetic companies are going to be formed. Not only are they going to form but they are going to secure new territories. This is going to be a year of kingdom alliances. I am releasing a fresh anointing. A new cluster anointing formed and how teams, apostolic and prophetic teams will begin to flow together in regions and in territories. (Apostle Venner Alston)

Apostle Chuck D. Pierce excerpt re Leaving Old Structures and going to the Place God has Promised

“We have entered into an incredible time when Heaven and Earth are realigning. This is causing a great shift in the earth realm…” During the Year of the Sword (5777) that completed on September 20, 2017 at sundown, "The Lord was cutting away old structures and releasing a new identity within us. We must manifest who we have become! Now is the time to put our hand to the Sword, gain strength and power, and go forth into the land of our promise. Put on your armor and grab hold of the Sword for your future!"

“5778 IS THE YEAR TO ENTER THE DOOR, WITH BOLDNESS. Prepare to be extended through and into a place that God has promised, but where we have yet to gain our footing.”

New Song that  will break old cycles

--This is a Firstfruits Year.  Things will be new and different this year.  Pressing into and through the First that the Lord has for you.  Give your best every month in time, seeking Him, in finances and so on.  In a Firstfruit Year, you can now see a restoration come and what needs to be created in your life will be created like you have never seen before.  

--The Door has opened up and the spirit of Leviathan, that twisting power has to let go and we cross over.  That which seem like a block, we will go through. The way has been made, its opened up. Its time now to go through. Restrictions are removed so we can go forward.

--The season we are in is about coming out of captivity, through the wilderness and into a dimension of promise manifestation that we have never experienced before.  A  promise is on the way!

--A new prophetic mantle that God is bringing in an apostolic season. There is a new prophetic awakening going on in God's people. We are hearing and expressing the mind and the heart of God. It is a part of the new beginning of what God is doing right now.  

Excerpt through
Katie Barker of AustraliaWord re 5778: A Vision of the Double Door

“In the first few days of the Hebraic year 5778, the Lord showed me a huge wooded door which I knew represented the coming year. The door was so much larger than a normal door, and the Lord was showing me that the coming year would be one where the people of God are given divine opportunities beyond what they could imagine. As the door opened the door became a “double door” and I felt the Lord was saying the year ahead would be one of double. His people would see double blessing and double harvest for what has been sown.”

Excerpt through
Prophet Lana Vawser regarding 5778 and 2018:

“Over the past few weeks, I have been hearing the Lord saying over and over” Come away, does not mean delay.” As we move into 5778 and as we move into 2018, that there are specific calls from the Lord amidst the acceleration, amidst the breakthrough, amidst the increase of favor to “come away.”  …a ‘Come away’ invitation in this new season and into 2018, that will be a place of “making room” in the new beginnings of what God is doing. Some of you will be called to a time of rest, but in the rest, you will see God do more than you have ever seen. There will be DOUBLE birthed in the rivers of rest.”

“What God will be releasing in 5778 and 2018, is so new, and so fresh, and stunning, in the “come away,” He will release wisdom and discernment on how to “steward” the new beginning He is releasing with greater strategy, purity and humility. The increase He is releasing and will continue to release, He’s looking for hearts that will steward it with purity, integrity, heavenly strategy and humility. Moving with Him in His way and stewarding it on His pathway.

​Year of the Family and Fruitfulness

 Even in the disappointment, in the discouragement, in the hardship and temptation to give up, they REMAINED in the place of FAITH even with a WHISPER of a YES (to JESUS)!  ...I heard the Lord say that the season of fighting for your life is over and the SEASON OF REWARD HAS BEGUN!!!! ...Many are going to SEE with their physical eyes the REWARD of the seeds they have planted. Your eyes will FALL upon the harvest. It is upon you! It is upon you! It is upon you! He showed me that MANY are about to receive more than they have dreamed, because they have stewarded what He has given them with integrity, faith, purity, humility and character. ...Increase, favor and multiplication is being given to you.

Prophet Phyllis Ford excerpt on 5778 – 2018:

“However, we can rejoice in the fact that throughout His Word we will see the Lord raise up a people and a standard through His servants of apostles, prophets, and priesthood to begin to quell and alleviate the evil work and re-establish the kingdom of heaven in the region.”

 “Spiritual Birthing – It is the degree of Heaven that we “walk in a new way” as we step over into 5778. We will shed carnality and the lies of error and begin to walk in the truth of His Word. We will become the sons of God upon this earth that are being birthed in this hour… The birthing of a changed people of purpose will emerge in this time, ready to advance in Kingdom building.”

 “So, we begin to see that the perfecting of 5777 is an on-going one, and it will lay the groundwork for greater things to be done in the coming years leading up to 5779 and even going into 5780. The sons of God that were spoken of in John chapter 1 are moving forward. What we will see looks a lot like Ezekiel chapter 1 and 10, which shows us the image of God Himself being formed in our lives in ways we will understand.”

 “Phyllis goes on to say: One of the most powerful strategies’ in this hour is walking in the power of prayer and the birthing of repentance. Understanding this strategy will quell and avert much danger. Prayers, intercession, and the cries of repentance for the sins of our nations will produce strategies that reverse and lend strength in times when the enemy’s attacks seem the strongest. The Strongest trumpet will come from the captain of the Lord of Hosts carrying strong angelic help from every direction.”

Steve Shultz Founder of the Elijah List excerpt from Phyllis Ford – As the enemy seeks to change times and seasons that the Lord has prophesied, our job is to humble ourselves, pray and seek HIS WILL and HIS WAYS.

Apostle Venner Alston excerpt from Points Regarding 2018; One Season Ending and another Beginning; Moving from Finishing to Beginning

This is a season that God is giving us the direction that is needed if we would just open our ears and hear what He is saying. Sometimes we have to fly through a storm to get where God is calling us to be.

Every year is a movement year but there is something significant about this new season we are coming into. The visual for the year is the Open Door.  Ecclesiastes 3 says there is a time for everything!

This is a season and time to gain new revelation. God said, I am going to show you how to sum up your past season so that you can fully enter into your new season.

The Kingdom is progressive and moves by revelation. So, where God has us positioned in our last season, that is not where we will be in the next season. Because the Kingdom is progressive.

The spirit of religion does not want to move out of the old into the new. It is a refusal to let go of an old system and an old way. Religion is doing the same thing the same way all of the time and yet expecting different results.

The church is being delivered from the cycle of the revolving door. It’s movement with no destination. A revolving door goes around in the same circle but yet there is no advancement. You are just moving in the same circle. God says this is a season that I am coming to deliver My body from the cycle of the revolving door.

It is a season of the open door, but God says tell them this is also the season of threshold wars. It is the point or level of which something begins to change. You are not quite where you were but you are not quite where you are going and there is this strip that you have to cross over to come into your new place.

The threshold is a point that you either move forward or you leap back. If you are willing to leap forward you have access with supernatural grace that you did not have in your last place. God gives us a new capacity to break forth in a new way and become victorious over every enemy, every obstacle. But you have to be willing to war over the threshold.
We will see old enemies fall as we war at the door of the threshold, I Samuel 5.4.What captured your portion in the old season will fall on its face in the new season.

Giving you new keys this year. Not the old way of using keys. God says, the tip of the sword will become the key this year. God is talking about summing up fully in our old season so we can move into the new.

 Access is granted. God says, I am going to show you how to go in and out. I am giving you access to an open door and you will go in and out in a new way.

God says, this year there is going to be an unprecedented number of unrighteous laws overturned. 

Major victories for the Church in 2018. In 2018 the church is going to break out of Hope Deferred! God says when the church breaks out a new generation is going to break forth.

 The Church is going to recover revelation of the Blood of Jesus. I am God Who remembers. I am going to send  you help, I am going to send you strength.  I am going to remember every seed you sowed. And God said you will see the manifestation.

I am going to begin to roar on behalf of the Church. God says, the angelic armies are going to war in a new way with the Church.

God says, this year 2018 I am going to deal with the spirit of Pisgah. The spirit of almost there. You are almost there and it is almost in reach but something happens and the deal falls through. Pisgah is a spirit sent to stop your progress. Disappointment and discouragement rises in your heart. You seem to be stuck in a centain place. God says, I am going to deal with that this year.  I am cutting that off this year.  I am breaking that cycle of disappointment, and you will know what it is to move fully into what I called you to do.


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