Dr. Audrey L. Dickey, Los Angeles, CA


Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"

           (Question) Where is the safest place to be in this world, a place of great protection?

            (Answer) It is in the “Secret Place of the Most High” a place of mystery to most.  How does one arrive there? Well first you must know what the Secret Place is.

            The secrets or mysteries of God - ‘His will being revealed!’ is in the Secret Place which is in the Presence of God. His will are His plans and purposes for you which include being in the right place at the right time, your set place; because we cannot totally be in His will without being in His timing.

            If you know the answer to finding the Secret Place of the Most High, it will be the same answer to accomplish your assignment, mission or purpose in this life.

            Some may answer being in God’s house is the safest place to be. But are you aware that just to be within the Body of Christ, in the house of God, everywhere is not safe! If it were, God would not have had Holy Spirit seal you; He would not have His angels watching and taking charge over you to keep you in the way that you should go nor would He release them to come to our aid when we speak His Word or give Him praise.

            And if everywhere were safe we would not need to plead the blood of Jesus to use it as protection. Nor speak His Word in the atmosphere and bind, rebuke, and declare no weapon formed against me is going to prosper or declare a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near me! The Bible says in James 4:7, be subject to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you.

            When using an example of a natural home, every area in your house may not be safe for everyone. A child one year or two years of age under a kitchen sink where chemicals may be stored for cleaning or sitting next to a hot stove or at the top of a staircase may not be safe! But the child is still in the family and in the house! Think about it!

            Another example would be our body - our temple is the house of God! But our body is not a safe place for our spirit and soul if we are not mindful to take care of it with proper rest, proper physical food and feeding it with the Word of God and not junk and the sins of the world.

            Therefore, just being in the HOUSE OF GOD as a child of the King is not enough! Why? Because there is evil in this fallen world. But in the Secret Place of the Most High God we remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no foe can withstand] Ps. 91:1.

            (Question) How do we get to that Secret Place to discover God’s will for our lives?

            (Answer) First of all the Secret Place is for all Believers.  It is by His grace that we discover, enter in and dwell in it.  James 4:8 AMP says, "Come close to God and He will come close to you."  There are various ways to spend time in His presence.  We should do this as we follow our heart by the leading of Holy Spirit within us. It is not a formula or plan. There is no set posture, set time or length of time required in seeking Him. Just rest in His presence and enjoy knowing by faith that He hears you, that you hear Him and that He will not leave you, forsake you, has forgiven you and He loves you.

          We seek Him through His Word the Holy Bible. The Word of God reveals layers and layers of mysteries which can and does relate to His will for our lives. We also seek Him with our prayers, spending time in His presence, praising Him, speaking to and listening to Him, praying in the spirit (prayer language of tongues, I Cor. 14:2) and interceding for others.  We seek Him by being still before Him, writing down instructions that He imparts into our spirit by His voice, a thought, a vision, an unction or a dream we may have had and so forth. God speaks in many different ways and as we spend time with Him we become more sensitive to the way He communicates with us. The Bible adds that if we seek Him early, we will find Him, Proverbs 8:17.

            It is in our prayer room that we are transformed. Matthew 6:6 says, “But when you pray, go into your [most] private room, and, closing the door, pray to your Father, Who is in secret; and your Father, Who sees in secret, will reward you in the open.”  In His Secret Place, for each of us, is His Will,His plan and His purpose for our lives and as we dwell in that place we shall remain stable and fixed. If we ask, He will give us wisdom to be in our set place which is being in the right place at the right time. How many of us actually make time for prayer to receive a word or instructions from the Lord?

            Ask God to give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches in secret places, Isa. 45:3. If you are confident of what you have heard and/or if it is confirmed then step out as His Spirit leads and let Him guide you. Be sensitive to Him and His way of doing things.   

            (Question) How can you accomplish your mission or your assignment if you don’t know who you are or what you should be doing or if you have allowed fear, erroneous teaching or political correctness to silence your voice, or hold you back?

            (Answer) Hebrew 10:38 says, that the just shall live by faith…and if he draws back and shrinks in fear, My soul has no delight or pleasure in him. He says He takes no pleasure in the one who shrinks back. Pray for a bold spirit Acts 4:31, and move forward in His love and wisdom using His strategies, strength and power, Zech. 4:6.

            Many are seeking their answers directly from God. Some are seeking the prophets to either confirm what they received from the Spirit of God or they’re going directly to the prophet to get direction, instructions and insight for their lives. In any event, we should always seek God first before going to someone else for assistance. The Holy Spirit is available to all born-again persons “for Truth…and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]” John 16:13 AMP. Jesus also said that, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever” John 14:16. The Holy Spirit is there for you and as God wills, the gifts are there for you also.

            From the Secret Place of the Most High God (Psalm 91:1) through prophecy, God speaks to people and reveals His mysteries; His will (plans and purposes) about their life, their family, country, affairs of the world, people in high places and low places; those that cross their path and so forth. God reveals His plans to align people and circumstances with Himself so that victory (success and fulfillment) can come forth by manifesting at the right time, which is the appointed time set by God.

            To hear the instructions (commands) and follow them is extremely important to acquire the results that will edify, strengthen, comfort, encourage, confirm, direct, instruct, warn so that increase, elevation, promotion, peace, acquiring real property, possessions and so forth can take place.

            Whatever Holy Spirit is working on, in conjunction with Father God and Jesus the Messiah, is exposing and dealing with according to God’s season,  timing and overall plan will cause things to turn around for the good of the those who believe.

            It is important to keep your ‘vision’ alive with fresh revelation that can only come from a True and Living God which sometimes is revealed through His prophets as He wills.

          (Question)Why is there great emphasis on the prophetic office at this time?

          (Answer) Apostles and prophets are the very foundation of the churchwith Jesus Christ Himself as the Chief Cornerstone. (Jesus is in the foundation; “In Him the whole structure is joined (bound, welded) together harmoniously…”) Eph. 2:20-21. Therefore, God is raising up and continuing to restore the Prophetic Office and prophetic gifts even more so in this hour to assist in His work on earth during the End-Times. Especially where there is a famine in the land, times of economic recession, a political upheaval, down turn and demonic activity God begins to raise up the prophetic to come back strong because the prophetic ministry is relevant with the solution to these problems. We are coming into a Kingdom manifestation and the prophetic anointing is going to be key in manifesting and bringing the Kingdom of God (the rule and dominion of God) on the earth.

 Additional information re the Prophetic (Click Here)
 ​Additional information re Supernatural Prayer Language (Click Here)

Audrey L. Dickey, PhD
Christian Love Fellowship Church, Inc.