Rosh Chodesh is acknowledged and celebrated at the beginning of each new month according to the Biblical calendar, the calendar that God set in place thousands of years ago. The principle of firstfruits is throughout the Bible. This is one major way of keeping God first in our lives. It challenges us with how we position our hearts to align with His which will have much to do with the way the Lord responds to us. Why? Because the way the Lord responds to us depends on how we respond to Him. He said, come near to Me and I will come near to you, James 4:8.

          To comprehend the significance of firstfruits, we must understand in life, there’s something very special about the first (our first child, the first dollar of our business, our first date, our first car and so on). Just as we usually remember events that have a first such as the first man on the moon, or the first airplane, giving the first expresses honor.

          When we choose to keep God first not only does it honor and please Him but it breaks us into a cycle of blessings and out of a cycle of curses (decrease). Seeking Him first, His Kingdom and His Righteousness ensures everything else is added to you, Matthew 6:33.

          Giving firstfruits offerings is only one way to participate in keeping Him first; a way He has placed on this earth as a permanent mandate for our good. When we seek God by acknowledging Him, it gets His attention plus it reminds us we need Him in our lives and we belong to a loving Savior and Lord.

          As we daily seek Him first it sets the tone for our day. As we seek Him first during appointed Feasts it releases blessings (increase) and favor and other benefits that aid us in this life to fulfill our purpose and inherit our portions. During God’s yearly cycle of feasts they are also designed to break off oppression from the adversary Satan and draw us into the presence of God to dwell in His glory. He has designated these to bless us and make us a blessing to others as we continue to move forward in Him.

          Firstfruits is one of the things God has designed to remind us we are not alone but we are a part of His family because of the covenant He made with Abram whom he later renamed Abraham, Gen. 12:2-3 and Gen.15.

          There are different ways we can honor Him with a firstfruits offering: Give Him our time first as He then sets our day and helps us; giving money from the first of our harvest; from our income; from a promotion increase; and so forth. How much do we give? A portion of all that is your first and best. It does not have to be a large amount it is the willingness and obedience of thanking Him and keeping Him first to honor Him and to see our increase.

          It will set the pace for the rest of the month. It is to be given to the house of God you are directed to by Holy Spirit. (Follow the leading of Holy Spirit as to which ministry is in your heart, especially those with knowledge of firstfruits.)

          Other examples of firstfruits giving with increase are: Abraham was willing to put Isaac on the altar and God blessed Him greatly; Hannah gave her first son Samuel and God gave her many sons; The firstfruits spoil of the City of Jericho once it was conquered going into the Promise Land were given to the Lord and He blessed them with many more cities.

          Also, Deuteronomy 26 tells us that when Israel entered the Promise Land and received their first harvest in the land, they were to put the first portion of that harvest in a basket and take it to God’s sanctuary. There, they were to give the firstfruits of their harvest to the priest and publicly declare the goodness and faithfulness of God.

          Another great example is, Jesus died as the Passover Lamb to redeem us and was raised as Firstfruits of those who have been redeemed from death to life and have become a New Creation in Him, I Cor. 15:3-6; 20. Furthermore, when God gave His Firstborn Son, Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah, the result was “bringing many sons into Glory…”  Hebrews 2:10.

          The Firstfruits is special because it is consecrated and set apart and considered “holy” by God. As with the tithe which is also holy, we are not to use it for personal gain but give it to God’s house.

          The firstfruits is not a contribution, offering or alms neither is it the tithes. As we know, the tithe is a tenth (10%) of our income which is given in obedience and honor to God. He has claimed the tithe as His own, Malachi 3:8-10.

          For an example, when Israel brought in the full harvest, one-tenth of the whole crop was to be given to God as a tithe. The firstfruits’ amount was much less than that, often just one sheaf of wheat. Yet, this smaller portion opened the door to a massive blessing. Firstfruits is a smaller portion which is given from the first of your income which sanctified the rest.

          In addition, the Bible describes three categories of giving. In the book of Nehemiah 12:44 it says, “…men were appointed over the chambers for the stores, the contributions, the firstfruits, and the tithes, to gather into them the portions required by law for the priests and the Levites according to the fields of the towns...” The contribution, or offering, is anything given as an expression of thanksgiving to God as an Act of worship, in acknowledgement of God’s blessing.

          Specific blessings are promised for all three kinds of giving, but the fullness of blessing is released when we worship Him with all three.

The Three Categories of Giving is Described in more Detail in Nehemiah 10:35-39

1.Firstfruits Giving, Nehemiah 10:35-37,

And [we obligate ourselves] to bring the firstfruits of our ground and the first of all the fruit of all trees year by year to the house of the Lord, as well as the firstborn our sons and of our cattle, as is written in the Law, and the firstlings of our herds and flocks, to bring to the house of our God, to the priests who minister in [His] house. And we shall bring the first and best of our coarse meal, our contributions, the fruit of all kinds of trees, of new wine, and of oil to the priests, to the chambers of the house of our God.

2. Tithes, Nehemiah 10:37-38, 

…And we shall bring the tithes from our ground to the Levites, for they, the Levites, collect the tithes in all our rural towns. And the priest, the son of Aaron, shall be with the Levites when [they] receive tithes, and [they] shall bring one-tenth of the tithes to the house of our God, to the chambers, into the storehouse.

3.Nehemiah 10:39 tells the People to also Bring Contributions (or Offerings),

 “…bring the offering of grain, new wine, and oil to the chambers where the vessels of the sanctuary are, along with the priests who minister and the gatekeepers and singers. We will not forsake or neglect the house of our God.

           Those that participate in Firstfruits set aside each month a portion from their income as it is received and then at the New Biblical Month give it to the house of God they have been directed to by the Holy Spirit.  (See below for a list of the biblical months.)

          Just as giving God the firstfruits of our money releases His blessing on our finances, so giving God the firstfruits of our time releases His blessing on our time. Yes, the firstfruits principle still applies today. So, as we honor God with the first of our time, all of our time is set apart and we are positioned to walk in blessings all month. In exchange for our willingness to comply and remember to keep Him first as our source, His Word declares we will be blessed.

          The reality of the blessings released by firstfruits giving is a powerful example to young and old alike.  When all generations experience what it is like to live in the continual release of blessing, God is seen as a Good Father who loves and blesses all of His children. He is no respecter of persons.

When We Celebrate Rosh Chodesh (the new month) We Receive the Blessings of Firstfruits

1. We show honor, praise and thanksgiving to God for what He has done for us in the previous month. Firstfruits honors God as our source, which is a declaration that God has blessed us. Proverbs 3:9-10 promises that if you “honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency [from righteous labors] and with the firstfruits of all your income; So shall your storage places be filled with plenty, and your vats shall be overflowing with new wine.”

2. It is a time to worship, to inquire about the month ahead and to celebrate with God. Firstfruits sanctifies (makes holy) the rest of your income. “If the firstfruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy” Romans 11:16.

3. When we give Him our first (time, money, resources) we sanctify our whole month; and we position ourselves to receive His blessings. Firstfruits releases the fullness of God’s blessing. Giving the first and best portion to the Kingdom of God will cause a blessing to rest on your household, Ezek. 44:30. If we give Him our best then we can believe Him to give His best!

4.We set ourselves in a cycle of blessings when we honor what God appoints and honors. The weekly Sabbath can be on any day because those in Christ/Messiah can rest in Him at any given time, however, God made a covenant with day number seven (7); the monthly Firstfruits giving; and the yearly appointed Feasts. Each one is designed for specific blessings as we acknowledge our Lord and Savior first.

           As we are willing to comply with the instructions, in other words work the plans released from heaven to earth, the willingness and obedience will release favor in our lives.

          The Word of God declares that the righteous shall be surrounded with favor as a shield, Ps. 5:11-12. Therefore, unmerited favor surrounds us like a shield and produces supernatural increase, promotion, restoration, honor, increased assets, real estate, greater victories, recognition, prominence, preferential treatment, petitions granted, policies and rules changed, and battles won that I didn’t fight. Favor is a direct result of “the blessing” that flows from obedience to Christ.

          According to Apostle Teacher Robert Heidler of Glory of Zion International Ministries in the book A Time to Advance written by Apostle Chuck D. Pierce along with Robert and Linda Heidler, he explains that “Rosh Chodesh” is an expression of the firstfruits principle. In order to live in the blessings of Rosh Chodesh, we must understand the concept of the firstfruits principle.

            As we honor God by giving the first of the harvest we will recognize that Firstfruits truly is a major key to living in the favor and prosperity of God.

Biblical Months:
Month of Nissan-Abib            Mar/Apr
Month of Iyar                          Apr/May
Month of Sivan                       May/June
Month of Tammuz                  June/Jul
Month of Av                           July/Aug
Month of Elul                         Aug/Sept
Month of Tishrei                     Sept/Oct
Month of Cheshvan                Oct/Nov
Month of Kislev                      Nov/Dec
Month of Tevet                       Dec/Jan
Month of Shevat                     Jan/Feb
Month of Adar                        Feb/Mar

To obtain a Biblical Hebraic calendar visit:

Compiled by:
Dr. Audrey L. Dickey
Christian Love Fellowship Church, Inc.

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