In the Old Testament two words are used to define fasting. One means “to cover the mouth,” and the other means “to humble oneself.” In the New Testament, the word for fasting literally means “not eating.” The actual definition for Fasting is “to abstain from food either partially or completely.” In doing so, demonstrates humility before God.
Fasting is a secret key that unlocks Heaven’s door and closes the gates to Hell. We fast for spiritual purposes. We fast because God has asked us to fast the same as He has asked us to pray and seek Him. We fast to overthrow the enemy and gain victory for our lives and love ones. When we fast, we are positioning ourselves and our hearts for great moves of God in our future (Luke 2:36-38). We need to be prepared spiritually and fasting is one of the tools God has given us to prepare us to receive.
God has given to His people at “certain times” to pray, fast and give because this is a threefold cord that cannot be broken. It gives honor to God because you are honoring and obeying His Word. It will empower you to see profound and tremendous breakthroughs and things come to pass at the appointed season in your life. He is literally telling you how to gain and keep victory in your life.
When you eliminate food from your diet for a day or a number of days, your spirit becomes uncluttered by the things of this world and amazingly sensitive to the presence and instructions of the Holy Spirit.
God will also give new direction, instruction, fresh anointing and reveal His assignment for our lives as we fast and pray seeking Him to fellowship and seeking Him for answers.
Whether you fast corporately or individually that is your choice, but the fact that you have allowed yourself to be humbled, God will then exalt and reward you openly for His Glory. Remember, this is not a tool to manipulate God to receive something from Him, but a reasonable act of service that God rewards according to His Word. In addition, corporate fasting, especially with family and/or prayer partners can be powerful because you are coming in agreement, Matthew 18:19-20.
When God has placed a dream inside your heart that only He can make possible it is required that you pray. We only fast when God places it on our hearts or tells us directly to do so. Sometimes we may simply lose the desire to eat or eat certain types of foods in order to participate in a Daniel fast.
The following information will enlighten you about fasting, but you will also become healthier and extend your life span as a result of it. One reason is because your organs will have a chance to rest and be restored from their work of digesting your food and so forth. Enjoy your fast and the expectations that follow at God’s appointed time!
The beginning of the year for most especially in Western societies honor the Gregorian calendar set up by a man (a Roman Emperor) and it declares that January is the beginning of the year but God’s calendar declares that theBiblical beginning of the year is in the Gregorian month of either March or April (Adar or Nisan on the Hebraic Biblical Calendar) and the beginning of the Civil year is in the Gregorian month of September or October (Elul or Tishrei on the Hebraic Biblical Calendar) which is the time the date of the New Year actually changes to the next year.
Fasting at the beginning offers a First Fruit Offering to the Lord and it will set the course for the rest of the year because you are seeking God first. When you set yourself apart, God will add blessings to your life over the coming months ahead (Deuteronomy 26:8-11 and Proverbs 3:9-10). The firstfruit commands blessings, increase and governs the rest of the year. When you start anytime during the first month you benefit for the entire month, see example in Matthew 20:1-16.
The three types of fasts found in scripture are the “absolute fast,” the “normal fast”, and the “partial fast.”
The absolute fast is extreme and should be done only for very short periods of time. On an absolute fast, you take in nothing – no food, no water. Depending on your health, this fast should be attempted only with medical consultation and supervision.
On the “normal fast,” you typically go without food of any kind for a certain number of days. You drink distilled water if possible, and plenty of it. You may also choose to take clear broth and juices in order to maintain your strength.
A partial fast can be interpreted many ways. The way it cannot be interpreted is to include that time between about 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. – when you are sleeping. A partial fast usually involves giving up particular foods and drink for an extended period of time. The most commonly used example of a partial fast is found in the book of Daniel, eating only vegetables, fruit, and drinking water (Daniel 10:3). They had no sweets, no meat and no wine for three weeks or twenty-one days.
In addition, with the Daniel fast at the beginning of the year being done by thousands it becomes a powerful corporate fast. When a group of people begin to fast, it is multiplied strength and power. When one gets a breakthrough, it causes the anointing (power of God) to transfer over to someone else for their breakthrough.
The length of the fast may also vary. In the Bible these significant numbers are found in relationship to fasting: half-day, 24-hour fast; 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, 30 days and 40 days. As we know Jesus and Moses went on a 40 day fast, Peter a 3 day fast, Paul a 14 day fast and so on.
The 40 day is the number for testing and usually goes a little over 40 days; 7 days to receive direction also to overcome grief (I Samuel 31:13); 3 days for the supernatural favor of God and breakthroughs; 21 days for financial breakthrough, (water and/or juice; or the Daniel fast of fruit and vegetables only (Daniel 10:13) and when the financial breakthrough starts it may last a few years… The half-day fast is usually broken around 3:00 after prayer. All fasting is honored by God when done with the right motive and coupled with prayer and giving.
Individual and corporate fasting are both personal and private disciplines a well as a reasonable act of service to God (Rom 12:1). God rewards both openly when done with the right heart and for the right reasons.
Corporate fasting is more powerful and one reason being that when one person gets a breakthrough in a specific area those in the same fast may experience the same breakthrough. A corporate fast of 24 hours the same day of each week is powerful. For example if a family all fasted the same 24 hours of each week on the same day it would bring them together spiritually and an empowerment takes place. It could destroy yokes of divorce in the generation line as well as other generational curses.
The Greater the sacrifice, the greater the power released to destroy yokes and burdens and receive increase and blessings.
(1) Whenever the Lord leads you to fast; a specified biblical date or monthly or weekly, you can also set a time.
(2) Beginning of each year so it can assist in setting the course for the rest of the year.
You have the opportunity to honor God;
Fasting brings new closeness, new intimacy and prepares you for a new anointing;
Fasting will release God’s power into your life, also preparing the way for God to give you fresh revelation, fresh vision, and clear purpose;
Fasting will cause prayers to be answered at the appointed time;
Fasting releases miracles into your life;
Angels are sent to assist God’s people (Heb. 1:14; Ps 103:20; Acts 12:1-11);
Fasting will bring restoration into your life (Isaiah 58:12);
Fasting sharpens your mental process, aides and improves your sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell, and all sense faculties;
Fasting breaks the addiction to junk food and the power of an uncontrollable appetite;
Fasting can break the addictions to nicotine, alcohol, and drugs;
Fasting will discipline the flesh giving you the will power to say no to it;
Fasting will break the spirit of poverty off of your life (Joel 2:15-16);
The Lord will bring financial blessings to people who fast and pray;
Expect breakthroughs in every area of your life as fasting and prayer become a regular part of your lifestyle; It sets us in position for breakthroughs;
Fasting and prayer will break and remove strongholds, cast out unbelief and unclean spirits (Mark 9:29 and Matthew 17:21);
Prayer focuses God’s attention upon us;
Fasting focuses our attention upon God;
Fasting and prayer will break and remove sexual addictions by removing the spirits behind the immorality; the spirits; behind; homosexuality; pornography; adultery; fornication; and sexual lust. These demonic spirits of perversion manipulate and use people, but fasting will break the stronghold of demonic sexual addictions;
Fasting will break and destroy generational curses and wickedness in one’s life;
Fasting humbles you and brings clarity, even allowing you to get unforgiveness and bitterness out of your heart;
God will target your children and your possessions when you fast (Ezra 8:21);
Fasting will cause the body to detox and healing will be the result. Toxins cause many diseases in the body. To name a few diseases or problems linked to toxin in the body are: food and environmental allergies, asthma, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, depression, decreased sex drive, abdominal, bloating, gas, memory loss and so on;
Fasting is not only a power method of cleansing and healing the physical body, but it is also a tool for cleansing the soul. Fasting is a powerful tool to help one enter into deeper spiritual realms and gifting.
(1) It will bring a Spirit of Release. Mark 9:29, Jesus cast devils out of the boy and said this kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting. In other words certain demonic spirits won’t release you or your love ones until someone fasts. Fasting will remove the unbelief so faith can work.
(2) Spirit of Restoration. Joel Chapter 2, what the enemy had eaten will be restored whether it be your health, marriage, family, ministry, destiny, or missed opportunities God is giving another chance and restoring what was stolen.
(3) Spirit of Reward. The best financial reward seen in your life. Set others spiritually free from bondage of sin, deception, lies, drugs and alcohol.
Angels to move on behalf of your household and those you are praying for; The love of God, humility, favor, faith, compliance, finances, the mind of Christ, healing, restoration, deliverance, hope, forgiveness, holiness, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Gifts of the spirit, discerning spirits, Spirit of Truth, repentance, giving spirit, righteousness, self-control, the fruit of the Spirit, discipline, breaking of soul-ties godly relationships. I decree and declare that I expect change because of my First Fruit giving of this fast.
(1) Should not fast to obtain merit from God or rid “yourselves” of sin (only one thing that gives us merit with God and cause us to be set free and that is the blood of Jesus. The fasting will cause you to remember the shame of sin and you become aware of the sin in your own life.
(2) Should not fast to lose weight even though that will happen, it should not be your primary focus because the fast is for spiritual purposes, not just to lose weight. Unless you put prayer with fasting, there is no need to fast. Focus on the Word of God more. God wants you to concentrate and pray more to where He can get you by yourself to spend quality time with Him.
(3) Should not fast so others will notice you. Don’t act so spiritual drawing attention to yourself boasting to let others know you haven’t eaten (the Bible says, that is all the reward you will have – Matthew 6:4-5).
(4) Don’t fast merely to participate in a religious exercise like some religions do. Fast because you want to offer up a sacrifice to God to become closer to Him and His purpose.
Fasting can produce some interesting changes in your body, so be aware of this before you begin. Some of the changes are more common than others. So, here are some precautions you need to consider:
You may experience lightheadedness. This is common, so don’t rise up suddenly from lying down or sitting during your fast period. You may even experience some dizziness if you stand up too quickly. If you do get lightheaded, lie down and elevate your feet on a few pillows.
You may experience changes in energy. Some people become very fatigued during fast. Others feel much more energetic. Initially you may be fatigued, but energy levels increase as you detox.
Your sleep habits may change. You may not need as much sleep at night as normal.You should get plenty of rest. During a fast, you will need plenty of rest, both during day and at night. Be prepared to even take a nap in the morning or the afternoon.
You should limit activity with no strenuous exercise during the fast.
Constipation can be a problem; it is also common, especially during longer fasts. Drink water if experiencing this.
You should not fast (without any food) more than three days without your doctor’s permission.
You may have cold hands and feet. During a fast it’s common to experience a lowering of body temperature, which may make your hands and feet feel cold. Don’t be concerned. Simply use an extra blanket at night and wear extra clothing.
Your tongue may become coated. This film signals you that your body is detoxifying.
You may experience bad breath as your body detoxifies. Keep a toothbrush with you, brush your teeth and tongue often with organic toothpaste.
Skin eruptions may occur. Acne boils, and rashes are other signs that your body is excreting toxins through your skin, which is the body’s largest excretory organ.
Body odor may be a problem for some people as the poisons exit the body through the sweat glands. Nausea and vomiting may also occur during a fast. This is usually a sign that you’ve become mildly dehydrated. That’s why getting enough fluids is critically
important during the fast.
Your urine may appear darker than normal. This also usually means that your body is shedding poisons or that you are not consuming adequate liquids. So if this occurs, increase your fluid intake.
Your stomach will shrink during fasting and may feel a little uncomfortable, fat cells are dying. The body will heal and cleanse itself in areas needed.
You may have added mucous drainage from your sinuses, bronchial tubes and even GI tract. Don’t be alarmed, usually just your body’s way of voiding itself of many of the built- up toxins it has been storing.
You may have flu like symptoms the body throwing off toxins. One can bath in sea salt and baking soda to help pull toxins out of the body.
Remember that prayer is a must during your fast. If necessary, develop a prayer agenda or structures to help you stay focused and keep your priorities straight.
Remember the “Daniel Fast” consists of vegetables, fruit and water. Juices and broth can be added for strength. “NO” meat, fish, bread, sweets, soft drinks, coffee or alcohol.
Lift up to God exactly, being specific about the things you are fasting about, that are in His will then be in a state of expectancy.
If you slip, ask for forgiveness, repent and continue.
Remember that a vow to God is a serious thing, it is better not to make one than to vow to God that you will do something and don’t. (Ecc 5:4-5; Jonah 2:10; Job 22: 27-28)
Fast with at least one other person so you can coach and cheer each other on and be held accountable to someone. (optional)
May speak with a professional before fast to make sure you are doing everything properly.
Chew your food 25-50 times before swallowing this will help your stomach digest the food and cut down on bloating, gas, and food sitting in your stomach for days then going into your blood stream where it can cause blockage and other problems.
Make sure each day you are drinking enough bottled water (or water that is filtered). Drink half of your body weight. (if you are 140 lbs, then you need to drink 70 ozs. of water per day). Distilled water is the best water to drink while you are on a fast, you will experience less headaches from your body detoxifying.
Shop for produce at a health food store, organic is better because it is not sprayed with chemicals and usually not picked before ripened.
When you live a “fasted” life your body does not need to detox as much when you go on a normal fast.
Remember, the enemy’s agenda is to steal, kill and destroy you (John 10:10). It is so crucial for him to get you distracted. Don’t allow the enemies in your life to cause you to focus more on your appetite or circumstances than on the promises of God that are released when you employ the powerful weapon of fasting.
Green Leafy:
Brussels Sprouts
Collard Greens
Kale Greens
Leaf Lettuce
Mustard Greens
Romaine Lettuce
Turnip Greens
Peppers (red, green, yellow)
Squash (Squash spaghetti)
Red potatoes
Vegetable Soups
Vegetable Casseroles
Jerusalem Artichokes
Sweet Potatoes
White Potatoes
Acorn Squash
Butternut or Buttercup Squash
Peas and Beans:
Sugar Snap Peas
Red Beans, Black Beans
White Navy Beans
Lima Beans
Kidney Beans
Pinto Beans
Refried Beans
String Beans
Black-eyed peas
Oats and Grains:
Whole grain
Rolled Oats
Apples, Apricots,
Bananas, Blackberries, Blueberries, Boysenberries
Casaba Melon Cherries, Cherries, Cranberries
Dates, Dry fruit (nuts= pecans, almonds, etc.)
Grapefruit, Grapes (red)
Honeydew Melon
Kiwi, Kumquat
Lemons, Lime, Loquat
Mango, Nectarine
Oranges, Papaya
Peach, Pears, Pineapples, Plums
Pomegranate, Prunes
Raisins, Raspberries
Upon rising for the day drink 3 to 4 cups of water and take deep breaths.
Hot cereal
Fresh Strawberries
Yellow Grits
Slice peaches
Apple and Grapes
Hand full of mixed nuts
Large Salad:
Dark leafy lettuce
Red Onion
Fresh squeezed lemon with approx. 2 Tbsp extra virgin
olive oil, sea salt and pepper or
Favorite salad dressing (without MSG) in a side dish
Popcorn (NON-GMO; Gluten Free)
Vegetable combo:
Collard Greens
Fried or steamed cabbage
Sugar Snap Peas
Water or juice
Mix Vegetables
Sweet Potatoes
Fry vegetables in coconut oil, the oil doesn’t lose any properties in the heat and can cause weight lost as well. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is primarily used on top of some dishes to get the best value from the oil; when used for cooking it can lose properties that benefit you.
Compiled by Audrey L. Dickey, Ph.D.
Christian Love Fellowship Church, Inc.
“Fasting” by author Pastor Jentezen Franklin.
“Toxic Relief” by author Don Colbert, M.D. and Nutritionist.
Glory International Center
"A Center for God's Presence"
Dr. Audrey L. Dickey, Los Angeles, CA
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