Glory International Center
"A Center for God's Presence"
Luke 2:52 NKJV says:
"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men."
Proverbs 4:7, 8 AMP says:
“The beginning of Wisdom is: get Wisdom (skillful and godly Wisdom)! [For skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation). Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her.”
Proverbs 1:7 AMP says:
“The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and the principal and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; but fools despise skillful and godly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline.” The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is to give Him reverence because of Who He is and give Him first place in our lives and heart, not out of fear but out of love. He first showed “His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: …since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” I John 4:7-10 NIV.
Hosea 4:6 AMP says:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.”
“HE WILL TELL YOU WHAT’S AHEAD (He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]. (John 16:13). Listening to His voice helps us prepare for the future. His Word promises He will tell us some things to come. When a challenge awaits us and we have some prior knowledge of it, that knowledge helps to cushion the blow when the difficult situation comes.” Joyce Meyer – Hearing from God Each Morning, pp.30 and 32.
“IRON SHARPENS IRON; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Prov. 27:17. If we listen, God will speak to us about our relationships – our marriages, friendships, business associations, and even casual acquaintances. He may ask us to sever friendships or relationships with people who can tempt us to stray from His plan for our lives. We can easily become like those we spend time with.” Joyce Meyer – Hearing from God Each Morning pp. 30 and 32.
“It is enjoyable and beneficial to spend time with someone who really hears from God, someone who truly senses what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing. It is not fun to spend time with people who are dull in their spiritual hearing, and we can tell when we are with someone like that. The verse for today says that “iron sharpens iron,” and we can sharpen our ability to hear the right things by being with people who practice listening for God’s voice and obeying Him.” Joyce Meyer – Hearing from God Each Morning pp. 30 and 32.
Isaiah 1:19-20 NLT (New Living Translation) says: “If you will only obey Me, you will have plenty to eat” (eat the good of the land). “But if you turn away and refuse to listen, you will be devoured by the sword of your enemies. I, the Lord, have spoken!” And in Proverbs 18:1, 5 AMP it says, “He who willfully separates and estranges himself [from God and man] seeks his own desire and pretext to break out against all wise and sound judgment. To respect the person of the wicked and be partial to him, so as to deprive the [consistently] righteous of justice, is not good.”
“Cease to trust in [weak, frail, and dying] man, whose breath is in his nostrils [for so short a time]; in what sense can he be counted as having intrinsic worth?” Isaiah 2:22 AMP. “There is no [human] wisdom or understanding or counsel [that can prevail] against the Lord,” Proverbs 21:30.
Learn to protect the anointing on your life that God has entrusted to you. Adult children do not have the RIGHT to SIN anymore than any other adult or person on this planet. Sin is sin and all sin is against God and all sin leads to death, Romans 6:23. If there is no repentance to receive the forgiveness that our Lord and Savior already paid the price for, then eventually a spiritual death and/or a physical death could occur. When the words “I’m Grown” is used as an excuse to justify sin, this just does not fly in the eyes of Almighty God, for the Bible says, “God is not mocked: for whatever a man (a person) sows, that shall he also reap” Galatians 6:7.
Listen with spiritual ears – “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that you may have and enjoy life; and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)” John 10:10. And “Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me.” John 14:6 AMP. In other words, you shall have it all if you come by ME and do it MY Way!
I have every right to be angry, Righteous Indignation, is a form of anger and it is given to everyone by God in order to express the anger (without sinning) that they feel when watching evil taking place. In Amos 5:15 it tells us to hate the evil and love the good. Therefore, we are given the ability to “hate” the things that God hates and to love the things that God loves. God loves people but He hates the sin that operates through or around them because He knows that if they do not repent with a sincere heart that sin will destroy their very life on the earth and they are headed for an eternity in outer darkness.
It is evil for anyone to dishonor God and to dishonor their parents, especially on the Sabbath. Proverbs 20:20 says, “whoever curses his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in complete darkness” (the lamp of your life will be snuffed out). The Lord said to honor them, even if they are not perfect but because of them you were given life and God will honor that. If you have chosen to honor your parents unto the Lord and not ignore or be distant but help and show respect and mercy, when at all possible, it will cause your life to be long and strong Eph. 6:2-3.
When many warnings come through various people, God is giving you a space to REPENT (Rev. 2:22) if you do not pay attention then what you open the door to in your life will be beyond your control and you will have to deal with it directly in the spiritual realm and it will be between you and any evil forces that are sent to attack you. The battle will be for your peace of mind and whatever else the enemy can steal until total deliverance comes in whatever area you were attacked or robbed. Deliverance will begin once you repent, ask for forgiveness, forgive others and trust Almighty God for wisdom, strategies and to turn the situation around for your good.
The Bible acknowledges that many will ignore godly instructions and it also addresses what they become: Proverb 19:27 says, “Cease, my son, to hear instruction only to ignore it and stray from the words of knowledge.” Once godly wisdom and instructions are ignored, Proverb 14:24 says this: “The crown of the wise is their wealth of Wisdom, but the foolishness of [self-confident] fools is [nothing but] folly.”
However, the Good News is this, there is a Savior who loves us and is concerned about our everyday lives while we are still in this present life. He is there for us and will never leave us. His mercy and loving kindness is there for us each and everyday. He is a forgiving God and a God of justice and all that He asks is that we acknowledge Him by Loving Him with all of our heart, soul, strength and mind as we love others and ourselves (Luke 10:27; Matthew 22:37-39). He will always make a way when we boldly (knowing who we are in Christ Jesus) and humbly come before him with a pure heart, keeping Him first in our lives and striving always to please Him by lining our will up with the Will of our Heavenly Father.
God is all about second, third and fourth chances but we must ask for them seeking His forgiveness and repenting along the way and then allow Him to direct our steps (yielding to His Way of doing things) which we know will always be for our good. He loves and desires to fellowship with us and because of His Grace and Goodness what we desire He is willing to deliver only the best this life has to offer to us simply because we are His sons and His daughters, Eph. 3:20-21.
Audrey L. Dickey, PhD
Christian Love Fellowship Church, Inc.
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