For Audrey Dickey Ministries Vision
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Glory International Center
"A Center for God's Presence"
The visionaries and founders, are the late, Apostle Dr. Robert L. Dickey and his wife, Apostle Dr. Audrey L. Dickey. Christian Love Fellowship Church, Inc. (CLFC), a Non-Denominational church founded January 7, 1996 in Los Angeles, California. It is an extension of Audrey Dickey Ministries of which Dr. Audrey Dickey is the President. Its purpose is to upbuild, equip, train and encourage Believers which will provide an enhanced, balanced and an enriched life in the Kingdom of God.
The offices of the apostle and prophet are a significant part of this ministry as Jew and Gentile are raised up as the One New Man, which is "built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself the Chief Cornerstone," Ephesians 2:14-16; 20 AMPC.
The Fivefold Ministry gifts are: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, Ephesians 4:11-12; I Corinthians 12:28. CLFC, has as its call to help align and cause these gifts to properly function as God intended them in order to fulfill His purpose on the earth.
Through the operation of the Fivefold Ministry Gifts God’s “intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s Body (the church),” Eph. 4:12 and Eph. 2:10 Amplified Bible. Therefore, Believers will discover or have their call confirmed and be equipped for Kingdom work where they will be built-up and produce action which will advance the Kingdom of God.
Believers are trained and equipped to move forward toward their destiny in the endeavor God has purposed and called them to in life. Therefore, CLFC, has a mandate for equipping, healing and deliverance with signs and wonders as well as preparing individuals, families, business owners and nations against the attacks of the enemy. Believers will learn what to do and how to walk in their authority, gifts and power entrusted to them by God to gain victory in their lives.
Publishing is one of the tools given to assist in informing, teaching and for the building up of the Believers:
The late, Dr. Robert has authored a book that will give revelation and understanding of the “End-Times” that we presently live in to renew hope into the lives of Believers uncertain about the near future (For more information Click Here).
Dr. Audrey ministers and counsels prophetically and has authored books with spiritual warfare tactics, strategies and tools for marriages, families - traditional, single-parent and blended; finances; having a deeper relationship with the Living God; revelation regarding divorce, remarriage and overall Kingdom business (For additional information Click Here).
In order to facilitate the above, the vision is to establish and enhance components with due diligence and forthrightness at God’s accelerated pace: conferences, seminars, webinars, and/or workshops, a media center, school of prophets, Christian school and so forth. All concerning this ministry work together toward the advancement of the Kingdom of God, Romans 14:17; Ephesians 2:10; Romans 8:28; Luke 8:15; Jeremiah 31:31-33; Heb. 8:8-13; I Cor. 11:25; Zechariah 9:11.
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