After the creation of Adam and Eve God spoke with man in only one language. That language continues as one language for all of mankind. The language was not changed at all until the tower of Babel in which man attempted to build a tower that would reach unto God.
Genesis 11:1 NKJV
"Now the whole earth had one language and one speech."
Then God confused the original language into other additional languages to bring confusion in the communication of all of mankind to reduce the power of agreement among the peoples, Genesis 11:7-9. This also brought about the scattering of the peoples into different global locations to settle as separate nations.
The question is, which of the languages continued as the original language which God spoke with mankind. According to the Bible, God followed and had recorded the perfect genealogy that would lead from Adam to the birth of Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach, the only begotten Son of God.
My point is that in following this lineage we also follow the original language of God. This is corroborated in the fact that God Himself wrote the words on the tablets of stone that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Therefore, we can conclude that Hebrew is God’s original language. However, we know that God understands, writes and speaks all languages, but there is only one that was from the beginning and that was HEBREW!
In the following pages we will present information about the Hebrew language to allow you to become familiar with the language so you can better appreciate God, His Kingdom, Israel, and our heritage. It is not our intent to teach the language to be able to speak it fluently. It is a difficult language, but we can learn a few basic words that are important to our relationship with God.
Glory International Center
"A Center for God's Presence"
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