Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"


​Dr Robert L. Dickey, Los Angeles, CA

The chaos in the Middle East is important to the One New Man (Ephesians 2:14-16), those who are Believers in Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach, because the Bible/Tanakh tells us in Daniel 9:27 that there will be a covenant/treaty signed with many for one week of years, that is seven years.  Daniel, of course, is speaking of Israel and referring to those countries surrounding Israel.  How do we know that? Because Daniel chapter eleven is almost entirely about the neighboring or not too distant kingdoms warring on the north and south of the "Glorious Land" (Jerusalem).

What is so significant about the covenant is that it signals the beginning of the final seven years prior to the return of Christ/HaMashiach or for traditional Judaism the coming of HaMashiach. 

The prophecy says that the covenant is with many not all.  Therefore, we don’t know whether there will be a total peace in the region or a partial peace in the region.  What is generally understood is that the primary person that is responsible for the treaty and signs it will be the anti-Christ.  This person will probably be the most powerful individual as far as international influence and governance.

This is of utmost importance not only to the One New Man but for everyone for we will be looking at the last seven years before Armageddon and the millennial reign of Christ/HaMaschiach.

Because a covenant in the Middle East is important to the End-Time or Last Days it is of interest to everyone to be watchful as to what is going on there.  It is not easy to discern because there are so many different factions below the obvious of Israel versus Islam.  The complication comes due to the fact that there are so many warring factions in Islam.  You have Shiite vs Sunni, radical vs moderate within the Sunni, then you have Shiite supporting radical Sunni for their own gain.  Then within radical Islam, both Sunni and Shiite want to eradicate Israel and all Jews, whether in Israel or not and by association the United States also.

To understand further stay on the lookout for my posts on Islam and its historical development.