The way out is NOT through complaining but through Forgiveness and offering Thanksgiving & Praise! We are exploiting God’s goodness if we complain, Nu. 21:5-8! Instead, look at the potential and gifts inside of you that are from God.
Philippians 2:14-16 AMP says,
“Do all things without grumbling and faultfinding and complaining [against God] and questioning and doubting [among yourselves], that you may show yourselves to be blameless, guileless, innocent and uncontaminated, children of God…holding out [to it] and offering [to all men] the Word of Life, so that in the day of Christ I may have something of which exultantly to rejoice and glory in that I did not run my race in vain or spend my labor to no purpose.”
The Effects of Complaining (murmuring and complaining):
It will keep you in the same position because it will nullify your progress;
It will grieve the Holy Spirit & block the flow of the anointing and destroy it in your life;
It will rob you of divine wisdom & you become useless in your thoughts (Ro.1:21);
It will cause you to lose confidence in yourself and the faith that you have;
It will pull the hedge of protection down until destruction occurs (I Cor. 10:10);
It will cause you to lose and destroy the favor in your life;
It will cause unforgiveness and bitterness to be able to block your blessings;
It will nullify your Word confessions because it is a sin before God (Phil 2:14);
It will open the door to the enemy and some will become physically ill and weak and have powerless lives.
To Reverse the Effects (A way of escape):
In order to turn this bad seed that you planted with your mouth around, you must dig the complaining, murmuring, negative, grumbling and depressing words up with your mouth as well. (Sample prayer):
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