Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"

The last of the seventy weeks of years of the 9th chapter of Daniel that was prophesied and as of now has not been fulfilled is being preceded by many fulfillments of scripture.  With each fulfillment of Biblical prophecy we know that we are ever closer to the fulfillment of the seventieth week of Daniel.

It is very important to keep abreast of what is happening with Israel because according to Daniel 9:27 that week will begin with the signing of a peace treaty between Israel and many of its neighboring Arab nations.  The signing of the treaty will signal the beginning of the Tribulation Period and the countdown to the coming of Messiah (Christ’s Second Coming).

This page is designed to give some current information regarding current relations with Israel and its neighbors.  Below I have posted maps of the Middle East for quick reference to the countries involved.  To read more click on a date or subject below.


2016-08-30 As the Arab World Crumbles, New Alliances Emerge.  By Dr. Mordechai Kedar