Dr. Audrey L. Dickey, Los Angeles, CA
Glory International Center
"A Center for God's Presence"
Thank You Lord that our former Federal and State personal and business taxes are forgiven and canceled according to Luke 19:7-8 and Nehemiah 5:1-12 where I have been cheated by usury with interest and penalties by the tax collector (Luke 5:30-32). Ps 15:5 says, do not put out your money to usury (taking advantage of a brother’s distress to lend at interest ruinous to him) but rather give moderate interest as people deposit and use the services of a bank, (Matt. 25:27 and Luke 19:23). Therefore, I decree and declare this former debt is canceled in full and I have a new and fresh start to bring all taxes current. I thank you that the entire tax system changes for the people’s good, Mt. 17:25-26. I bind the spirit of Eglon that was used to tax and oppress me and I continue to release the spirit of Ehud which was sent to deliver me from excessive tax and oppression, Mt. 17:24-27. Where I was robbed all is restored one hundred fold to me. Angels go and do your part in closing out these cases. I decree and declare any former cases are closed, in the Mighty name of Jesus!
I will continue to bind, resist as well as block all future assignments from master spirits that work with every head of the spirit of the hydra that would attempt to use the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board (state taxes) to bring recurring curses in this area of my life and ministry. Evil will not be able to come back into my life or the lives of my love ones in this area again, for Holy Spirit has released complete deliverance in this situation (Mark 9.25). For it is written, who the Son has set free is free indeed! Amen.
You said, whatever I ask the Father in Your name you will do it, John 14:13. Thank You Lord for listening and heeding me when I call to You; for hearing my supplication and receiving my prayer, Psalm 4:3; Psalm 6:9, I John 5:14. Thank You Heavenly Father that I can take refuge in You and that I can trust You to be a covering over me and for defending me, Psalm 5:11; Psalm 91. We went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance, a wealthy place, Ps. 66:12. Owe no one anything except to love one another, Romans 13:8, NKJV.
No toil in paying taxes, Matthew 17:24-27 NIV; NLT:
Jesus spoke …”What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes –from their own children or from others?” “From others,” Peter answered. “Then the children are exempt,” (“the citizens are free!”) “But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a large silver coin, take that and give it to them for Me and you.”
Biblically Tax Collectors are seen as sinners, unrighteous, wicked, corrupt and sick people. Jesus said He did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance, Luke 5:30-32, Mark 2:14-17 and Matthew 5:46 NLT.
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