This summer is the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love. To the world and news media it meant a lot of sex, drugs and hard rock music. Nevertheless, it was the summer of God’s love! Fifty years ago this summer in 1967 God did three incredible things that brings us to the start of Jubilee:
(1) He restored the City of Jerusalem to the Jewish people for the first time in almost two thousand years through the miraculous six (6) day war.
(2) He birthed the Messianic Jewish movement. There have been more Jews come to know their Messiah since then than there have been in the previous thousand years.
(3) This is the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Jesus movement. When the Spirit of God invaded His church in an unprecedented way even though it was not received by most of the traditional churches, more than two million people were saved worldwide and the church has never been the same.
This is the fiftieth anniversary of the summer of God’s love, of the manifestation of God’s love in the earth. We praise and thank You Lord for what You did 50 years ago this summer. Lord you restored Jerusalem and began the process of restoring the Jews to their Messiah. And Lord You invaded Your church, tearing down a religious spirit and releasing life in a fresh way. We know You are not finished with what You are doing and we say Lord do it again and take it to another level!
God is going to send out a wooing sound and there will be those who are drawn to Him. Some will feel they have got to get to that sound that the Lord is making that is drawing them in. After they come, I (God) am going too many and I am going to plead with them and say PLEASE come, please come, please come. And the Lord says, listen and tune yourself to My sound so that you know when you need to woo and when you need to plead because there is a full harvest. What happened 50 years ago was Firstfruits of more to come. Lord we ask for Firstfruits of the Messianic movement, we ask for Firstfruits of more restoration of inheritance in Israel, we ask for the completion of the Firstfruits and we ask for more of the restoration to your church for those who need to be saved.
We thank You that this is a sovereign work that You are going to do, that You will tune us to Your sound so that we can move, speak, woo and we can plead so that the full harvest comes in. We thank You in Jesus’ name!
by Robert and Linda Heidler of Glory of Zion International Ministries
P.S. Additional insight and prophecies through other prophets as a results of the Firstfruits that happened 50 years ago:
The number Fifty (50) represents Holy Spirit, Jubilee (harvest), Pentecost, Liberty, Freedom and Deliverance.
Pentecost was on May 30, 2017 at Sundown in the Biblical month of Sivan when Torah (the first five books of the Holy Bible) was given to Moses at Mt. Sinai to present to the Jewish people and the month when Holy Spirit was poured out on 120 of His people in the upper room 1400 years after the Torah was given. Today after this great transformation, God is releasing His Harvest to His people with His Love and Glory; because, Pentecost is also about receiving the anointing of multiplication!
"Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for My name’s sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life" because this is the year of Jubilee, Matthew 19:29. The last shall be first and the first shall be last! There will be a shift – those that can believe will receive and those that cannot, some will be moved, some will catch up later and some will miss God altogether.
There are many things that will be released this summer starting in the month of June 2017 and will continue for a season as we continue to believe, listen, follow, praise and worship, are as follows:
Harvest time is here and the earth is ready for it
Increase in revelation, provision and Holy Spirit power
Recompense, restoration and all that was stolen
plus increase back to you by angelic assistance
The Lord is speaking life, freedom, physical and
emotional healing and decreeing major breakthrough
Physical provision. What was turned against you
will be turned towards you now
Sivan is a business person’s month so
listen for godly strategies
The Lord is bringing clarity and confirmation to His
Truth and His vision for the lives of His people
Connections, radical favor, unusual opportunities,
and an extra measure of joy
Double blessings, double portion; blessing upon blessing
Prosperity (peace of mind, good relationships,
good health, abundance of finances and all that brings you
into wholeness)
Debts will begin to be canceled
Curses will be broken off of people. Things sent
to hold people back, to pull them back, fear, torment,
and so forth suddenly lifted off once and for all
regarding the last season. The Lord will give greater
hope, clarity, vision, joy, insight and wisdom as we
worship Jesus, listen and follow
This will be a time to begin recovery as we forgive and
strive to follow God’s way according to His instruction book
(the Holy Bible)
The Drought is Over!!
If you think this is too good to be true, then
you don’t know my God, Yeshua - Jesus Christ
Eph. 3:20.
in the 50th ANNIVERSARY
of the
SUMMER OF LOVE 5777 - 2017
Glory International Center
"A Center for God's Presence"
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