Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"

Dr. Robert L. Dickey

Robert L. Dickey, Ph.D. and D.D.S. transitioned to heaven April 2020. He was an apostle, End-Time Bible prophecy teacher, author, speaker and doctor of dental surgery based in Los Angeles, California. In addition,  he began a Christian health center with his private practice. He and his wife, Audrey L. Dickey, Ph.D. are the founders of Christian Love Fellowship Church, Inc.  Robert held a Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies and a Doctor of Ministry from Friends International Christian University in California.  He was also a Doctor of Dental Surgery for nearly fifty years. In addition, he was commissioned by Apostle Dr. Chuck D. Pierce of Glory of Zion International. He had seen healings and lives changed through the power of God during his walk with the Lord in ministry and in his private practice. He was an author whose book gives revelation and understanding of the "End-Times," in the area of the rapture(s) that will take place at the appointed time. Robert spoke five languages and communicated at appropriate times in English, Spanish, Hebrew, German and Italian.