Dr. Audrey L. Dickey, Los Angeles, CA
A Prophetic Word to You is a Powerful Spiritual Warfare Weapon. The information and revelation below will assist you in what to receive and how to keep the prophetic word in your heart and how to use it as a weapon of warfare.
Prophetic basically means hearing from God. If you have received a personal prophecy (a prophetic word) for your life either through a prophet, an upright Believer with the gift to prophesy or directly from God Himself know that opposition will come when it is a true Word from the Lord because the Word has to be tried. You must exercise your faith and stand on that prophetic word (hold on to it until God brings it to pass) even when you are being attacked in your mind with negative thoughts because it has not happened yet, Hab. 2:2-4. Use the prophecy as a reminder of what God said by faith (trusting and continuing to believe) which supersedes the lies being sent to your mind. In this way the prophetic word becomes a spiritual weapon to fight evil thoughts sent to bring doubt into your mind. Also, Satan uses others to instill doubt in an effort to have you give up on what God said to you. The devil only wants to steal the prophetic word so he can steal your faith and destiny, John 10:10. The prophecy will help you endure and remain in faith trusting in the covenant you have with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, when evil demonic forces wage war and battles against your calling, assignment and purpose in life (I Timothy 4:13-16 NIV and I Cor. 14:3).
There are those who take the word covenant very lightly and are not grasping its full meaning. A covenant is more than just a promise. It is a total commitment, an absolute requirement, to do or not do something, even at the cost of one’s life. Having a commitment in terms of life and death may be difficult for many to comprehend but that is exactly what a covenant is. Each party whether between individuals, tribes or nations when making a covenant each party is saying “Everything I have is yours!” Covenants are witnessed by Almighty God. When God is in covenant and He speaks we can by faith believe His Words because He is a God that cannot lie and has made a covenant with all those who are His chosen people (the Jews) born into His family and those people grafted in by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Genesis 12:1-3; 15:5, 18-21; Romans 11:17,19; Hebrew 11:12-19; 13:20-21.
Remember, while in a Conditional Covenant the outcome is always the result of God’s strong hand and mankind’s part to love the Lord and follow through with his instructions from God in obedience to Him and things will work out for their good, Romans 8:28. However, if either party does not deliver their part the covenant can be broken and become invalid. The covenant He made with us, only we can break it because He is well able and willing to do His part and all we have to do is continue with our instructions and wait for His perfect time and see the manifestation of His will for our lives as His part is fulfilled.
People who believe the Promises of God, which were prophesied and recorded by the prophets in the Bible, who are challenged when Satan comes immediately to steal the Word from them, can read the Bible for themselves and use prophecy as a tool to stay on course and not be deceived (I Timothy 4:1-3). Knowing the future as recorded in the Bible which has been proven through prophetic words that have already come to pass and still manifesting today and as future events are told by true prophets today working in conjunction with the Holy Spirit, it can help protect you from false prophets, false prophecy and deception. False prophets may seek to lead the church astray. Nevertheless, I Thessalonians 5:20 says, “Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.” Prophecy is not to be undervalued, resented, or ignored. We must not hamper the guidance of Holy Spirit.
Today we have excellent Bible Prophecy Teachers who are anointed and sent by God to inform the church of the End-Time Prophecies and how we should handle it and what we should expect. Bible Prophecy is a tool to evangelize a dying world. It will also bring peace, revelation and understanding about the “Last Days” that we presently live in.
2 Chronicles 20:20 says “…Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established; believe and remain steadfast to His prophets and you shall prosper.” To be “steadfast” is to be established, immovable, firm in purpose and rooted in your set place where your enemies have no power to stand against you. It also says you will prosper because you believe the Word of the Lord through His chosen prophets. In addition, when you are Born-again and filled with His Spirit you can hear God for yourself from the One who is the Revealer, the Holy Spirit, John 15:15; 10:27.
When Prophets speak into your life. Establish that they are “true” prophets that have been placed across your path from God. Many people can operate in the supernatural, but Jesus said He is the Door, the only Way and anyone operating apart from the true and living God is not who you would want speaking into your life (John 10:9; John 14:6). Judge the prophetic words spoken with what is written in the Bible because it should line up with the written Word. The Bible does not tell us that we can judge a prophet by how accurate they prophesy as to whether or not they are a true or false prophet. The Bible does say by their fruit you shall know (recognize) them (Matthew 7:16). Ask God for the gift of discernment so you can know by the Spirit of God if they are from Him (I Cor. 12:10). If what they say does not witness in your spirit, (your own heart) and/or it is not confirmation then do not come in agreement with it, put it on hold and ask the Lord to reveal it to you and to give you confirmation, I Thess. 5:21. If it is truly God and you are still walking (living) in His will, the prophetic word will manifest at the appointed time because His Word will not return to Him void Isa. 55:11. We should not try to make anything happen, if it is God He will instruct us while on our journey with Him and ultimately what He said will come to fruition. When it comes to pass however long it takes the Holy Spirit will bring it to your remembrance that this is what He said He would do.
Realize that prophets only have a part of the whole picture and that gifts of the Spirit and the anointing vary from person to person 1 Cor. 13:9. We are dealing with people who are imperfect vessels, Jesus was the only One who was perfect. Do not concentrate on the messenger so much that you are unwilling to hear the message (unless it is obvious that the person is not living an upright lifestyle). If you have a peace and/or it is confirmation then receive the prophetic word. You should, however, ask God to confirm it again especially if it concerns a major decision for your life.
Sometimes prophets miss the timing of God because they prophesy the present (Word of Knowledge), the future (Word of Wisdom) and the gift could reveal a person’s past as they speak by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. But because each vessel or messenger is not perfect and can perceive so much in their spirit they can miss the exact timing but very rarely miss the season. God communicates more with people about the season than the exact appointed time within the season. When a person is in the appointed season it will come to pass if the person has been obedient to follow God’s instructions. Even if the person isn’t doing everything right some things will still come to pass at the appointed time because it has to in order for God’s overall plan which could include several elements yours being one of them that has to be in place in order for God to manifest the larger picture which maybe something that has been prophesied by His prophets or something in His written Word.
So if the prophet missed the EXACT timing that does not mean that the prophet that gave the prophetic word is a “false” prophet; but it may mean that God did not give the exact timing (the appointed day) to the prophet because God desires for people to stand in faith and believe until they see the manifestation. When a prophetic word is given one should try the spirit by the spirit, in other words, discern if the word is from God, as mentioned above, I John 4:1. Ask God to confirm His word and when and if it is confirmed then stand on it and believe Him.
Keep in mind that none of the five-fold ministry gifts are perfect because the gifts flow through imperfect vessels. Therefore, the Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers of the five-fold ministry gifts (Ephesians 4:11) have all missed it to some degree as well. That by no means makes them false men and women of God anymore than missing dates makes a prophet a false prophet. Sometimes it is the disobedience of unbelief of a person who received a prophecy and did not follow through on their end as to why something has not come to pass yet or maybe it just was not the time for it to manifest. Many, many times prophetic words will come to pass days, weeks, months or even years after they have been given. However, based on the current season of harvest we have entered in, things spoken will manifest quicker because the hour is great (things are at hand). Another way to put it is the Church is being prepared for Jesus’ Second Coming, therefore, people are on a prophetic time table and certain things that have already been spoken must come to pass so the person can move forward and complete their assignment from God. God Himself will see to it that the faithful obedient person will not be hindered or stopped, they will be compensated and justice will be done for them (Ps. 94:12-18 AMP; Hebrews 10:30 AMP).
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