What does it mean to us prophetically?
Dr. Robert L. Dickey
Glory International Center
"A Center for God's Presence"
A very momentous and exciting day, May 14, 2018, the 70th anniversary of Israel becoming a state will also be the official opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem recognizing Jerusalem as its capital. Zechariah 2:8b says, …”for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.” Also, we know that the Lord when He returns will do so at the Mount of Olives on the east side of Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:4).
In the books of Kings and Chronicles are history of the righteous and unrighteous kings of Israel up to the destruction of Jerusalem and the 1st Temple. Then we have most of the prophets who were either leading up to, bridging the period of the kings and the captivity or were in the captivity in Babylon. Various prophets prophesied the coming destruction.
The prophet Jeremiah gave the period that Israel would remain captive, 70 years (Jeremiah 25:11). The prophet Isaiah prophesied Cyrus, the Medo-Persian king that conquered Babylon, would be God’s instrument used to allow the Israelites to return to Jerusalem and begin the rebuilding of the 2nd Temple. Therefore, is it possible that this seventy-year period signals the time for beginning the rebuilding of the Temple of the Tribulation Period (Isaiah 44:28).
Israel is approaching a population of 50% of the worlds Jewish population. It is now at 43% of the world’s Jewish Population and as a nation has the largest Jewish population surpassing that of the United States. According to the Bible God is calling the Jews home from all the nations of the world (Jeremiah 29:10-14).
It is very possible that this 70th anniversary will likely be the last 70 year-period that will occur before the Lord’s return. I say that because Israel is back in their land. So many nations stand against Israel. The relationship with the U.S. has never been stronger which the Bible says that Israel will be protected by the wings of an eagle (Revelation 12:14). The bald eagle is the national bird of the U.S. The need for a peace agreement has never been greater, such that a treaty with Israel’s neighbors could be a possibility, which would fulfill the covenant of the seventieth week prophesied by Daniel (9:27). Therefore, the stage is set for the events of the end-time to be fulfilled.
MAY 14, 2018
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