Product Description
God’s Way and the Blended Family

How God Views a Blended Family, its Challenges and Ways to Solve them

Paperback: 192 pages

Publisher: Kingdom Advance Publishing

Date Published: September 21, 2018

Book Size: 5.5 x  8.5 

Price: $11.99


SUCCESS FOR THE BLENDED FAMILY. The Blended Family is the largest two parent intact family in society today. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, sacrifices, wisdom, determination and doing things GOD’S WAY will be the foundation for its true SUCCESS.

The Blended Family’s CHALLENGES are unique and largely from the baggage that comes with each family member at the beginning of a remarriage.

This resource will offer SOLUTIONS to the challenges they face. Plus, the revelation and insight gained will give an ADVANTAGE and usher in peace, stability, integrity, order and strength.

                        C O N T E N T S



1. What is a Blended Family and How Does God View It?  

2. The Advantages of Being a God Blended Family  

3. What to Expect in the Early Stages of Blending Two Families  

4. The Blended Parent  

5. The Blended Child, Whether a Child, Adolescent or Adult  

6. Successfully Resolve Challenges in a Blended Family  

7. Create an Atmosphere of Trust and Well-being for Your Family  

       What is Salvation?  

       A Prayer of Salvation  ​​


Dr. Audrey L. Dickey


Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"