Product Description

God’s Way and Family
The Biblical Definition of Family, the Benefits of Being a Family of God and More! 

Paperback: 298 pages
Publisher: Kingdom Advance Publishing
Date Published: September 21, 2018
Book Size: 5.5 x 8.5 

Price: $11.99​​

​WHAT IS A FAMILY AND ITS PURPOSE? God’s Way will cause your family to FLOURISH

You will discover the BENEFITS of being in God’s family along with His rewards and fulfillment, which are greater than what the world has to offer.

You’ll be equipped with tools, STRATEGIES purpose, balance and strength. What greater truth can a family have to WIN IN LIFE.

You will also discover why so many are opposed to the family in the entertainment industry and from other sources in today’s cultures.​

   C O N T E N T S


1. What is a Family, its Purpose and the Qualities that Make it Strong?  

2. The Different Types of Families that Shape and Develop Society  

3. Delegated Authority is Part of God’s Order  

4. God’s Order, a Higher Lifestyle, and the Purpose for Family Roles  

5. Biblical Instructions for the Role of the Husband  

6. Biblical Instructions for the Role of the Wife  

7. Other Family Roles: Child, Adolescents, Adult Child and Extended Family  

8. Opposition Toward Family from Different Parts of Society  

9. How the Media Influences the Family  

10. The Benefits of Being a Family of God 

Appendix A:
     A Prayer for Salvation and the Infilling of Holy Spirit  

Appendix B:
     What is Salvation?  

Appendix C:
     The Father’s Blessing Prayer 



Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"


Dr. Audrey L. Dickey