Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"

​As a Valued Partner:

We are committed to your success and prophetic prayer teams are praying for your spiritual, emotional and financial blessings daily;

Receive Holy Spirit Inspired Prophetic Words through periodic prophetic prayer conference calls and partner meetings to share our love, hearts and prophetic revelation from God through Christ Jesus;

The same anointing of divine favor and blessing that is on this ministry will also flow to your household because there is power in partnership;
Partner eNewsletters that will inspire you and help you reach your destiny;
We are called, anointed and sent by God to achieve His purposes. As we partner with other ministries to help meet the needs of people around the world our partners also share in the blessing and favor of God;
Our Resource Center offers anointed teachings for your success with periodic updates to stay abreast with the times we currently live in;
Inspirational words, nuggets and events to help you become and remain strong;
Discounts for partners who enroll in our school of prophets;
Discounts for events, special hotel block rates and so forth;
Discounts on our products purchased in our store.