Dr. Audrey L. Dickey, Los Angeles, CA     ©


Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"

​Most Christians are not aware of their spiritual inheritance or how they as a people group were grafted into God’s family and given a New Covenant, one that included eternal life among other wonderful benefits for being a part of the Kingdom of God; the same Kingdom preached by Jesus Himself!  Without awareness of their heritage Christians are unable to fully claim the blessings of their inheritance.

Christians owe a great deal to the Jewish people because it was their contributions that gave birth to the Christian belief.
Because of the prophetic words given through the prophets in the Tanakh (better known to most as the Old Testament in the Holy Bible) that stated how and Who would come and be a Savior for the world, Isaiah 53, Matthew 8:17, I Peter 2:24. Because of this, gentiles had an opportunity to become saved (born-again) and receive the Abrahamic Covenant that was given to the Jews first, Romans 1:16, Matthew 10:5-8.  In addition, the Christians were given eternal life which the Jews did not receive under the Old Covenant but have a right to receive now as well, under the New Covenant (New Testament). (Note: those Jews and Gentiles who died in faith and righteousness as followers of the Most High God were in a holding place in the bowels of the earth until the Savior paid the price with His life which reconciled them back to God and opened the door for them to move to heaven, Ephesians 4:8-10 AMP).

Furthermore, most Christians do not realize that the early church started with the twelve apostles selected by the Messiah (Christ) Himself and it was called “The Way” because He said, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me” John 14:6 AMP. This man was God incarnate (God in the form of a human man) who came to the earth and was conceived and carried by a Jewish virgin girl named Miriam or Miryam in Hebrew and Maryam in Greek Luke 1:26-33; and Mary in English. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit who placed His prepared body with perfect blood in this young Jewish girl’s womb (Hebrews 10:5-10 AMP) to give birth at the appointed time in order to redeem mankind and bring them back into relationship with God the Father Matthew 1:18, Romans 5:8-19.

Because this plan was carried out by God Himself it could not fail.
God chose the genealogy for the Messiah (His Son) to come through the Jewish line which included Abraham, Judah, Ruth, King David, Solomon and others and listed it in the New Testament (New Covenant) in the books of Matthew and Luke. As a result of much persecution and wars, with a remnant standing for righteousness to protect the Jewish faith given to them by Father God, Jesus/Yeshua was able to be born and become the Light of the World and a Savior for all who chose Him to be their Lord.

What else came about because of the Jewish people that the world today benefits from, especially the Christians?
The Jewish people are responsible for giving us the Holy Bible (the Living Word of God both the Old and the New Covenants) which gives us instructions and guidance for a healthy and prosperous life in the Kingdom of God. They also gave us prophets, the patriarchs, the apostles and other offices and gifts that operate in the Kingdom. The apostles and prophets are the very foundation of the Church with Christ Jesus Himself the Chief Cornerstone, Ephesians 2:20. In addition, the Jews are responsible for many inventions, most of the electronics industry, the medical industry and even the military weapons that help this nation and the entire world largely because of the covenant they have with the Most High God.

For “Judaism did not come to an end with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – nor was it displaced by the birth of Christianity.” If there had been no Israel there would have been no prophets, Bible or Savior to keep you out of hell itself. If there had been no Israel there would not be a Savior to take our sins, sicknesses, weaknesses and distresses and to carry our sorrows and pains (Isaiah 53; Isaiah 9:6-7; Isaiah 7:14). Just think, you would be left to fight this battle against Satan and all his evil forces all by yourself and guess who would lose without God’s Holy Spirit, His angelic army and of course a Savior and Lord.

Christians were not sent to replace the Jews (Replacement Theology)
as was taught during the Dark Ages by the Roman priests as directed by the Roman Emperor Constantine and as it is still taught today in many churches. Christians were sent to be a branch on the tree ( represented by the Jewish people) which is deep rooted and a support as the foundation of Christianity, Romans 11:11-12; 17-19. In other words, the Christian was grafted into this family and covenant by the mercy of God, Ro. 11:17-19. Jesus Himself confirmed the New Covenant in I Corinthians 11:25-26 which was spoken of in Jeremiah 31:31-33 that God would make with the house of Israel. The Lord also spoke of us as the other sheep that are not of this fold and said He must bring those also… John 10:16.And besides all of this God promised Israel would return to their land and they did, Ezekiel 11:14-20.

In addition to the New Covenant we realize that it was never God’s plan to separate the Jews and Christians.
So, in His infinite wisdom His plan is to reunite the two people groups that were separated by evil men who served the lessor god.  Ephesians 2:14-16 AMP declares, “For He is [Himself] our peace (our bond of unity and harmony). He has made us both [Jew and Gentile] one [body], and has broken down (destroyed, abolished) the hostile dividing wall between us, By abolishing in His [own crucified] flesh the enmity [caused by] the Law with its decrees and ordinances [which He annulled]; that He from the two might create in Himself one new man [one new quality of humanity out of the two], so making peace. And [He designed] to reconcile to God both [Jew and Gentile, united] in a single body by means of His cross, thereby killing the mutual enmity and bringing the feud to an end.” When this happens they, whether Jew or Gentile, become a Christian Believer in Messiah, The One New Man, and have begun their walk in Messiah!  The message of The One New Man will help us live in covenant revelation.

Last but not least Jesus never once denied He was a Jew. He identified Himself with His own people in John 4:22 NIV. He was born to Jewish parents, however not having the blood of his earthly father Joseph but of His Heavenly Father (Hebrew 10:5) as His mother’s pregnancy was announced to her by the angel Gabriel Luke 1:26, 30-31. Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day in keeping with Jewish tradition, Luke 2:21; He also had His bar mitzvah on His 13th birthday, Luke 2:41-50; and finally, He kept the Law of Moses and wore the prayer shawl Moses commanded all Jewish men to wear, Matthew 5:17; Mark 6:56 CJB. He was born a Jew, He died a Jew, He rose from the dead a Jew and He will return as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Revelation 5:5.  Judah and Jew are derived from the same root word. Remember, our spiritual inheritance owes its very existence to Judaism and a young Jewish Rabbi named Yeshua (Jesus) born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth.  Paul said in Romans 15:25-27, “…For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jew’s spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.” 

Knowing these few facts, would make it impossible for anyone to say I am a Christian and yet not love or appreciate the Jewish people.
Christians who choose to bless the Jews and Israel and pray for Jerusalem will be blessed according to the Word of God which includes not only material blessings but the Lord’s favor and protection as well, Psalm 122:6. In Genesis 12:3 God said to Abram, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse…” Personally, I prefer to be on the receiving end that allows God’s plan to work and to be a blessing.