December 10, 2019 Word through Mr. Kishar Regarding I Am Infusing You with New Strength

​@ 2am

I AM infusing you with New Strength and New Strengths, due to that which you have spent in seasons past standing, warring, and pressing in.

I AM confronting your every issue and enemy head on. I AM confronting them on your behalf. I will discomfort them, disconnect them, and cause them to have so much trouble that they will flee from you. I AM HE who protects MY Beloved Children.

I AM CURRENTLY BREAKING THROUGH EVERY Boundary, Barrier, and Obstruction, even every Chain and Tether that has held you back from moving forward in every aspect of your lives. I AM filling up every Pothole on your Pathway that the enemy put there to derail you and violently jolt you out of your position within Me and My Process of delivering you and bringing you into the Broader Place I have Promised to you.

Know there will be Storms and Contrary Winds, yet there is still Peace on My Paths - Yes! Peace and Prosperity.  Know there is Wholeness and Healing on My Path - the very Path I currently have you on. Know there is Freedom and Liberty on My Path I have laid out before you, even in the middle of the Storms, Contrary Winds and in the Face of your Enemies.

Continue on with Me and you will suddenly come into My Perfect Timing of Change and Shifting on the path I currently have you on. The very changes and shifting you have cried out for. Even though they may not come at the time or in the  way you desire, however, you must trust Me for My Ways are Perfect and these Changes and Shifting will surely come.

There will be Geographical and Environmental Changes and Shifting.  There will be Atmospheric Changes and Shifting, There will be Changes and Shifting in Hearts, Bodies, and Minds.  Changes and Shifting in Finances, Careers, and Relationships. These things I AM touching and these are the Plans I have for you.  Plans to Bless you and Restore you. Plans to do you Good and No Harm. Plans to do a New Thing in, around, and through you.

Suddenly! Suddenly! Suddenly!  I AM bringing Change into your current situations, in which there will be No Scarcity or Lack.


Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"