Glory International Center
"A Center for God's Presence"
July 01, 2019 Word through Mr. Kishar Regarding The Hard Season is Over
The hard season is over! The hard season is over! Although there will still be battles to fight and fights to engage the hard season is over and I have already won and overcome because the battle is mine and the fight is not yours - it is Mine. I have never lost and I never will. I constantly, consistently overcome, overpower, overwhelm the enemy who has come to lie, kill, and steal. There is nothing too hard for Me. No enemy can withstand My Power. This Day is a New Day and Time. A Day of a New Expression of My Love and Faithfulness to you. Those who have been faithful to Me, I have now decided to unleash an explosive and unheard of release of My Goodness to you. From this very moment forward, yes! it will be a demonstration that will bring down walls and erect praise to Me. It will be so very extraordinary and I Am pouring it out on you. I will give you examples, confirmations, and tangible expressions of My Goodness to you - My Supernatural Favor and Goodness in your natural life coming upon you NOW! This Day! And being injected into your life NOW! This day will begin that New Cycle. This day will establish The New Era. This Day My Goodness will propel and accelerate you into your New Beginnings. I Am with you My Children. I Am reminding you of this over and over again and so you will not be overwhelmed by My Goodness towards you. I Am telling you this over and over again so that you are not destroyed by My Blessing I Am releasing into your lives suddenly. You have seen and heard it before. You have seen and heard of those who I have blessed with success, financial breakthrough, and miracles of various types and they just couldn’t handle it. Quickly they went their own way or opened a door to the enemy calling it a celebration of life but it was an agreement and celebration with death. However, I Am and have been continuously reaffirming to you that I Am - and that I Am with you. I Am for you. I Am everything that you could ever need or want. With Me is Life and even Abundant Life. With Me is Shalom. I will bless you now exceedingly beyond what you could imagine. I will lead, guide, and protect you. I will pour out My Goodness upon you and as you praise and thank Me I will show you how to celebrate safely and in righteousness. Ready yourself for your time has arrived.
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