Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"

March 12, 2019 Word Through Mr. Kishar Regarding "March Forth Part Two"

​2:48 a.m.
Be ready and alert. I have and am setting a moving date, I Am now moving you into a new geographical location.
Some will be moving to a new city and others to a new state in addition some will be moving internationally. 

It is time to march forth, because this day of forward movement and change of assignments will come upon you very quickly and I expect My people to agree with Me and partner with me by being poised and positioned in FAITH to take immediate action. I expect My people to be in alignment with what I Am saying and how I Am moving in this hour.

Be prepared not only in the natural, however I urge you to prepare your heart, mind and emotions for you will indeed leave many friends and family members behind. Do not let your emotions tether you to the past and keep you from the future I have promised you. 

Although it may seem quiet on some fronts and there seems to be no movement, do not be fooled into being complacent. I implore you to not back off now.

Just as My prophet Elijah had  his servant check and check again for signs of rain seven times because there was none, I tell you to check again. 

Some of you will need to make a check list.

Check again My word and promises to you. Trust Me again, prepare yourself once again, believe My prophet once again for this is the time. 

This is the time I will prosper you and establish you.  This is the time I will enrich and multiply you and cause you to be well supplied and having surplus for your move out and into My promises and promised lands I have for you. 

I will cause you to be a Blessing to those who have supported you and stood by you in this past season of testing and refinement. 

I will cause you to be a Blessing to those who await your arrival into your new lands, those who will aide and help you in many ways. 

You and those around you will see that I Am with you.  Even those who think they know or understand your current circumstances will see My sovereign and mighty Hand move on your behalf and that I and I alone have set you free, established you, and empowered you to take possession and occupy your promises and promised lands I Am bringing you into. 

I say check again and I will cause you to see and perceive My next instructions and directions on what to do, where and when to go.

My Hand will be with you and My Spirit will lead you in peace through the new open door. 

In this next transition I will cover you with My grace and favor, I will give you My council and leadership and make your pathway plain before your face. I will not withhold any good thing from you.

My Beloved children who trust and obey My voice will receive My unmerited grace and favor and you will surely know I Am the one and only source of everything you'll ever need. 

You will understand more clearly that I chose what conditions, circumstances, people, and methods as means of My supply to you

As I have uprooted the spirit of Saul from having kingship over the lands, know that I have anointed and called you to have stewardship over the lands I Am planting you in. 

I have sent out My decree that authorizes you to take your rightful place as followers of and co-heirs with My Beloved Son who has inherited ALL THINGS.  

Keep trusting, believing, and moving forward and I will show you what is next - step by step.