Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"

​ June 16, 2017 Words through Chuck Pierce and Robyn Vincent of Glory of Zion International Ministries regarding the Lord Stirring and Troubling the Enemy

Robyn Vincent:
This is a time that I am going to begin to start trouble. He says, I’m going to begin to trouble the enemy.  He says, you have never seen trouble until you see Me come in and begin to trouble the enemy.  ( He said, My chaos is for order and I’m going to begin to turn over some tables. He says, I’m doing away with the enemy in this season. He says, so do not be afraid because the shakers and the quakers are coming. He says, when I shake it out, it will be put to death!

Chuck Pierce with confirmation to Robyn Vincent’s prophecy directly above:
This morning the Lord awakened me and He said, Isaiah 64 (see verses 1-2), “Oh that You would rend the heavens (rip them open), that You would come down, that the mountains might shake at Your presence as when fire burns brushwood as the fire causes the water to boil, to make Your name known to Your adversaries…” This is what the Lord said to me this morning, I’m going to start some trouble in this land and there are certain adversaries of mine will wish they had not stirred Me up. Now that is where we are headed. And so, when you see all that is headed, and all that is happening over these next 8 ½ months, say Go God! Go God! Go God!!!

He said to me this morning, they will wish they had not stirred Me up, they will wish that I had not come down, they would have wished that I would have stayed on My throne instead of coming down to visit. Lord we welcome your visitation!