Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"

Nov. 26, 2016 Dream
It was a beautiful and peaceful day. I was standing on top of a white wall and below me to my left hand side there where others and we were looking up as the clouds opened up a circular portal. There were a half dozen dark winged figures in the shape of men. As they were trying to come down to earth they were instantly bound/held up and thrown into their own chaos and confusion. All of us began to praise The Lord.

End of Dream
(I was lead to read and confess the binding and loosing prayer provided on this website – found in Resources in the Prayer Menu)

Dec. 2, 2016 1:15 a.m.

 I AM with you my son; just as I was with Joseph and like I was with Nehemiah. You will see over the days ahead I will open doors wide for you to go through. My hand is and will be upon you and I will cause the right circumstances to appear and I will cause the right people to help you freely.

 There will be no mistaking that it is I. I will make a way where there has been none and I will prosper you mightily. Fear not neither be angry about anything, but stay in peace and you will see My hand move on your behalf. This is the time in which I will promote you far beyond anything you’ve ever expected.

Dec 6, 2016 7:00 a.m.

Hold tight! For My personal plan of redemption is on the horizon for you. Hold tight to the victory that is in Christ Jesus. Hold tight! For My personal plan of redemption is on the horizon for you.
Double grace and double favor! Be at ease for My ease is upon you.  Do not worry about anything and have no fear of anything.  Stay in a state of peace and gratitude, worship and praise. I will calm the waves of the raging seas; I know it has been rough but My grace is sufficient and My peace and Blessing will overtake you.

I AM The LORD GOD your redeemer! Hold tight to My personal words I give to you for they are truth and life; Hold tight to My personal promises I give to you for they will not fail to come to pass for you in this time and season.  I AM the LORD GOD your redeemer and I will never leave or forsake you.  I alone have brought you this far and I alone will carry you the rest of the way!
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Mr. KiShar's Dream and Words from the Lord Nov. 26th, Dec 2nd and Dec. 6, 2016  (Cheshvan 25, 5777 to Kislev 6, 5777)